Se(XY) matters: the importance of incorporating sex in microphysiological models

Trends in Biotechnology. 2022;40(11):1284-1298. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2022.04.005

The development of microphysiological models is currently at the forefront of preclinical research. Although these 3D tissue models are being developed to mimic physiological organ function and diseases, which are often sexually dimorphic, sex is usually neglected as a biological variable. For decades, national research agencies have required government-funded clinical trials to include both male and female participants as a means of eliminating male bias. However, this is not the case in preclinical trials, which have been shown to favor male rodents in animal studies and male cell types in in vitro studies. In this Opinion, we highlight the importance of considering sex as a biological variable and outline five approaches for incorporating sex-specific features into current microphysiological models.

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