Platforms for Personalized Polytherapeutics Discovery in COVID-19

Journal of Molecular Biology. 2021;433(10):166945. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2021.166945

The COVID-19 pandemic entered its third and most intense to date wave of infections in November 2020. This perspective article describes how combination therapies (polytherapeutics) are a needed focus for helping battle the severity of complications from SARS-CoV-2 infection. It outlines the types of systems that are needed for fast and efficient combinatorial assessment of therapeutic candidates. Proposed are micro-physiological systems using human iPSC as a format for tissue-specific modeling of infection, the use of gene-humanized zebrafish and C. elegans for combinatorial drug screens due to the animals being addressable in liquid multi-well formats, and the use of engineered pseudo-typing systems to safely model infection in the transgenic animals and engineered tissue systems.

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