Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology


The journal covers a wide range of topics, including new technologies, processes, methods, materials, systems, and applications in the field of synthetic and systems biotechnology and biomedicine. Areas of particular interest include, but are by no means limited to: Production of natural products and other small molecules (e.g., antibiotics and other therapeutics, biofuels, peptides, chemicals, fragrances and flavours), Engineering of biological pathways and circuits, including computational design and modelling, Synthetic genetic circuits or biosensors for biomedical applications, tissue engineering, and the programming of therapeutic cells, Synthetic biology and nanobiology for biomedical applications, Engineering of optimized general chassis organisms, e.g., by metabolic engineering and genome minimization, Genome construction, editing, and design, Analytical platforms for the debugging of engineered biosystems, including RNA-seq, flow cytometry, and imaging mass spectrometry, Omics including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics and else, Novel DNA synthesis, assembly and editing methods, Semiconductor synthetic biology: DNA origami, DNA information storage, electronic biomedicine, In vitro, cell-free and artificial systems for biomolecule production and pathway prototyping, Cybergenetics for precision medicine, precision-controlled gene- and cell-based therapies, Viral engineering and synthetic vaccines, Synthetic drug delivery systems, Synthetic immunology, e,g., smart CAR-T, CAR-NK, CAR-M therapies, Mammalian synthetic biology, Enzyme/protein engineering by rational design and directed evolution, Creation of building block, or part, libraries for synthetic biology, including libraries of catalysts, regulators and control elements, Laboratory automation and robotics for synthetic biology and biosystems engineering, Predictive computational and statistical modelling approaches for synthetic biology, Data integration and data management for systems and synthetic biology, Standards and best practices for synthetic biology experimentation and its applications, Economic, regulatory, societal and ethical aspects of advanced industrial applications of synthetic biology, 

Impact factor
Open access
Open peer review
ARRIVE guidelines