Reference Library

This comprehensive bibliography of references may be useful for authors during any stage of research, from study design to manuscript preparation to responding to reviewers.
Title Author Year
Miniature organs on chips could revolutionize health-care research Clément Quintard 2023
Minilungs from Human Embryonic Stem Cells to Study the Interaction of Streptococcus pneumoniae with the Respiratory Tract Julio Sempere 2022
Minimizing Unconscious Bias in Peer Revew National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.
Mission Creep or Mission Lapse? Scientific Review in Research Oversight Margaret Waltz 2023
Mitigating animal methods bias to reduce animal use and improve biomedical translation Owen Kavanagh 2024
Modeled vascular microenvironments: immune-endothelial cell interactions in vitro Justin Silberman 2021
Modeling blood-brain barrier formation and cerebral cavernous malformations in human PSC-derived organoids Lan Dao 2024
Modeling Development and Disease with Organoids Hans Clevers 2016
Modeling dry eye with an air–liquid interface in corneal epithelium-on-a-chip Rodi Kado Abdalkader 2024
Modeling gene × environment interactions in PTSD using human neurons reveals diagnosis-specific glucocorticoid-induced gene expression Carina Seah 11
Modeling Heart Diseases on a Chip: Advantages and Future Opportunities Omar Mourad 2023
Modeling human adaptive immune responses with tonsil organoids Lisa E. Wagar 2021
Modeling human immune responses to vaccination in vitro Elena Morrocchi 2024
Modeling ischemic stroke in a triculture neurovascular unit on-a-chip Nienke R. Wevers 2021
Modeling multi-organ systems on a chip Nina Vogt 2022
Modeling Neurodegenerative Diseases Using In Vitro Compartmentalized Microfluidic Devices Louise Miny 2022
Modeling of three-dimensional innervated epidermal like-layer in a microfluidic chip-based coculture system Jinchul Ahn 2023
Modeling Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease in Human Brain Organoids under Serum Exposure Xianwei Chen 2021
Modeling the Mutational and Phenotypic Landscapes of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease with Human iPSC-Derived Oligodendrocytes Zachary S. Nevin 2017
Modelling human liver fibrosis in the context of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis using a microphysiological system Tomasz Kostrzewski 2021
Modernizing Medical Research to Benefit People and Animals Isobel Hutchinson 2022
Monkey-based research on human disease: the implications of genetic differences Jarrod Bailey 2014
More Knowledge with Fewer Animals 2023
More than 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023 — a new record Richard Van Noorden 2023
Mouse models rarely mimic the transcriptome of human neurodegenerative diseases: A systematic bioinformatics-based critique of preclinical models Terry C. Burns 2015