Manuela Cassotta

Lindsay J. Marshall, Jarrod Bailey, Manuela Cassotta, Kathrin Herrmann, Francesca Pistollato. Poor Translatability of Biomedical Research Using Animals — A Narrative Review. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. 2023;51(2):102-135. doi:10.1177/02611929231157756
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Manuela Cassotta, Hugo Geerts, Lise Harbom, et al. The future of Parkinson’s disease research: A new paradigm of human-specific investigation is necessary… and possible. ALTEX. 2022;39(4):694-709. doi:10.14573/altex.2203161
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Manuela Cassotta, Joanna Julia Bartnicka, Francesca Pistollato, et al. A worldwide survey on the use of animal-derived materials and reagents in scientific experimentation. Engineering in Life Sciences. 2022;22(9):564-583. doi:10.1002/elsc.202100167
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Manuela Cassotta, Danila Cianciosi, Maria Elexpuru-Zabaleta, et al. Human-based new approach methodologies to accelerate advances in nutrition research. Food Frontiers. n/a(n/a). doi:10.1002/fft2.369
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