Reference Library

This comprehensive bibliography of references may be useful for authors during any stage of research, from study design to manuscript preparation to responding to reviewers.
Title Author Year
Engineering functional 3-dimensional patient-derived endocrine organoids for broad multiplatform applications Naira Baregamian 2023
Engineering human islet organoids from iPSCs using an organ-on-chip platform Tingting Tao 2019
Engineering models of head and neck and oral cancers on-a-chip Mauricio Goncalves da Costa Sousa 2024
Engineering Organ-on-a-Chip Systems for Vascular Diseases Amid Shakeri 2023
Engineering viral genomics and nano-liposomes in microfluidic platforms for patient-specific analysis of SARS-CoV-2 variants Sandro Satta 2022
Epicardioid single-cell genomics uncovers principles of human epicardium biology in heart development and disease Anna B. Meier 2023
ER stress and lipid imbalance drive diabetic embryonic cardiomyopathy in an organoid model of human heart development Aleksandra Kostina 2024
ERC plans for 2022 announced European Research Council 14
Establishment of a heart-on-a-chip microdevice based on human iPS cells for the evaluation of human heart tissue function Mosha Abulaiti 2020
Establishment of patient-derived cancer organoids for drug-screening applications Else Driehuis 2020
Estimating mouse and rat use in American laboratories by extrapolation from Animal Welfare Act-regulated species Larry Carbone 2021
Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters Chi Heem Wong 2019
Ethics and Controversies in Animal Subjects Research and Impact on Clinical Decision-Making Michael Balls 2024
Ethics of Animal Investigation Canadian Council on Animal Care 0
EU Funding & Tenders Portal
EURL ECVAM Literature Review Series on Advanced Non-Animal Models for Respiratory Diseases, Breast Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders Laura Gribaldo 2022
EURL ECVAM recommendation on non-animal-derived antibodies Joint Research Centre (European Commission) 2020
EURL ECVAM Review of non-animal models in biomedical research - Cardiovascular diseases Adelaide Dura 2022
European Parliament resolution of 16 September 2021 on plans and actions to accelerate the transition to innovation without the use of animals in research, regulatory testing and education European Parliament 2022
Evaluating drug targets through human loss-of-function genetic variation Eric Vallabh Minikel 2020
Evaluating Scientific Research Assessment Latin American Forum for Research Assessment 2021
Evaluation of Excess Significance Bias in Animal Studies of Neurological Diseases Konstantinos K. Tsilidis 0
Evaluation of in vitro human skin models for studying effects of external stressors and stimuli and developing treatment modalities Emily Sutterby 2022
Evaluation of research proposals by peer review panels: broader panels for broader assessments? Rebecca Abma-Schouten 2023
Evaluation of the Spark pilot: Identifying novel and unconventional research by doubleblinded peer review Liv Langfeldt 0