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Emma Rousi, Afonso Malheiro, Abhishek Harichandan, et al. An innervated skin 3D in vitro model for dermatological research. In vitro models. 2023;2(3):113-121. doi:10.1007/s44164-022-00021-0
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Kacey Ronaldson-Bouchard, Diogo Teles, Keith Yeager, et al. A multi-organ chip with matured tissue niches linked by vascular flow. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2022;6(4):351-371. doi:10.1038/s41551-022-00882-6
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Edith Filaire, Rachida Nachat-Kappes, Camille Laporte, Marie-Françoise Harmand, Marina Simon, Christian Poinsot. Alternative in vitro models used in the main safety tests of cosmetic products and new challenges. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. 2022;44(6):604-613. doi:10.1111/ics.12803
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