
Oliver Cameron, Joana F. Neves, Eileen Gentleman. Listen to Your Gut: Key Concepts for Bioengineering Advanced Models of the Intestine. Advanced Science. 2024;11(5):2302165. doi:10.1002/advs.202302165
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Guiyoung Park, Yeri Alice Rim, Yeowon Sohn, Yoojun Nam, Ji Hyeon Ju. Replacing Animal Testing with Stem Cell-Organoids : Advantages and Limitations. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 2024. doi:10.1007/s12015-024-10723-5
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David Pamies, Jason Ekert, Marie-Gabrielle Zurich, et al. Recommendations on fit-for-purpose criteria to establish quality management for microphysiological systems and for monitoring their reproducibility. Stem Cell Reports. 2024;19(5):604-617. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2024.03.009
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David Pamies, Jason Ekert, Marie-Gabrielle Zurich, et al. Recommendations on fit-for-purpose criteria to establish quality management for microphysiological systems and for monitoring their reproducibility. Stem Cell Reports. 2024;19(5):604-617. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2024.03.009
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Kirill Salewskij, Josef M. Penninger. Blood Vessel Organoids for Development and Disease. Circulation Research. 2023;132(4):498-510. doi:10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.122.321768
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Rebecca J. Levy, Sergiu P. Pașca. What Have Organoids and Assembloids Taught Us About the Pathophysiology of Neuropsychiatric Disorders?. Biological Psychiatry. 2023;93(7):632-641. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.11.017
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Shiya Lv, Enhui He, Jinping Luo, et al. Using Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Neurons on Microelectrode Arrays to Model Neurological Disease: A Review. Advanced Science. 2023;10(33):2301828. doi:10.1002/advs.202301828
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Lina Widerspick, Johanna Friederike Steffen, Dennis Tappe, César Muñoz-Fontela. Animal Model Alternatives in Filovirus and Bornavirus Research. Viruses. 2023;15(1):158. doi:10.3390/v15010158
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Luciana Simões Rafagnin Marinho, Gabrielly Maria Denadai Chiarantin, Juliane Midori Ikebara, et al. The impact of antidepressants on human neurodevelopment: Brain organoids as experimental tools. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 2023;144:67-76. doi:10.1016/j.semcdb.2022.09.007
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Summer R. Fair, Wesley Schwind, Dominic L. Julian, et al. Cerebral organoids containing an AUTS2 missense variant model microcephaly. Brain: A Journal of Neurology. 2023;146(1):387-404. doi:10.1093/brain/awac244
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