Microchip Analytical Procedures

Lucie A. Low, Christine Mummery, Brian R. Berridge, Christopher P. Austin, Danilo A. Tagle. Organs-on-chips: into the next decade. Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 2021;20(5):345-361. doi:10.1038/s41573-020-0079-3
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Jens Puschhof, Cayetano Pleguezuelos-Manzano, Hans Clevers. Organoids and organs-on-chips: Insights into human gut-microbe interactions. Cell Host & Microbe. 2021;29(6):867-878. doi:10.1016/j.chom.2021.04.002
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Lorna Ewart, Adrian Roth. Opportunities and challenges with microphysiological systems: a pharma end-user perspective. Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 2021;20(5):327-328. doi:10.1038/d41573-020-00030-2
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Kathy Archibald, Katya Tsaioun, J. Gerry Kenna, Pandora Pound. Better science for safer medicines: the human imperative. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2018;111(12):433-438. doi:10.1177/0141076818812783
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Riccardo Barrile, Andries D. van der Meer, Hyoungshin Park, et al. Organ-on-Chip Recapitulates Thrombosis Induced by an anti-CD154 Monoclonal Antibody: Translational Potential of Advanced Microengineered Systems. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2018;104(6):1240-1248. doi:10.1002/cpt.1054
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