Cells, Cultured

Lucie A. Low, Christine Mummery, Brian R. Berridge, Christopher P. Austin, Danilo A. Tagle. Organs-on-chips: into the next decade. Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 2021;20(5):345-361. doi:10.1038/s41573-020-0079-3
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Valentina Paloschi, Maria Sabater-Lleal, Heleen Middelkamp, et al. Organ-on-a-chip technology: a novel approach to investigate cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular Research. 2021;117(14):2742-2754. doi:10.1093/cvr/cvab088
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Hongbing Wang, Paul C. Brown, Edwin C. Y. Chow, et al. 3D cell culture models: Drug pharmacokinetics, safety assessment, and regulatory consideration. Clinical and Translational Science. 2021;14(5):1659-1680. doi:10.1111/cts.13066
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Gabriela S. Kronemberger, Fabiana A. Carneiro, Danielle F. Rezende, Leandra S. Baptista. Spheroids and organoids as humanized 3D scaffold-free engineered tissues for SARS-CoV-2 viral infection and drug screening. Artificial Organs. 2021;45(6):548-558. doi:10.1111/aor.13880
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Sabrina Ehnert, Helen Rinderknecht, Romina H. Aspera-Werz, Victor Häussling, Andreas K. Nussler. Use of in vitro bone models to screen for altered bone metabolism, osteopathies, and fracture healing: challenges of complex models. Archives of Toxicology. 2020;94(12):3937-3958. doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02906-z
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Jie Zhou, Cun Li, Xiaojuan Liu, et al. Infection of bat and human intestinal organoids by SARS-CoV-2. Nature Medicine. 2020;26(7):1077-1083. doi:10.1038/s41591-020-0912-6
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Norman Sachs, Angelos Papaspyropoulos, Domenique D. Zomer-van Ommen, et al. Long-term expanding human airway organoids for disease modeling. The EMBO journal. 2019;38(4):e100300. doi:10.15252/embj.2018100300
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A. Jain, R. Barrile, A. D. van der Meer, et al. Primary Human Lung Alveolus-on-a-chip Model of Intravascular Thrombosis for Assessment of Therapeutics. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2018;103(2):332-340. doi:10.1002/cpt.742
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Norman Sachs, Joep de Ligt, Oded Kopper, et al. A Living Biobank of Breast Cancer Organoids Captures Disease Heterogeneity. Cell. 2018;172(1-2):373-386.e10. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2017.11.010
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