Cell biology

Lorna Ewart, Athanasia Apostolou, Skyler A. Briggs, et al. Performance assessment and economic analysis of a human Liver-Chip for predictive toxicology. Communications Medicine. 2022;2:154. doi:10.1038/s43856-022-00209-1
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Pauline Zamprogno, Simon Wüthrich, Sven Achenbach, et al. Second-generation lung-on-a-chip with an array of stretchable alveoli made with a biological membrane. Communications Biology. 2021;4(1):1-10. doi:10.1038/s42003-021-01695-0
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Frans Schutgens, Hans Clevers. Human Organoids: Tools for Understanding Biology and Treating Diseases. Annual Review of Pathology. 2020;15:211-234. doi:10.1146/annurev-pathmechdis-012419-032611
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Kyu Shik Mun, Kavisha Arora, Yunjie Huang, et al. Patient-derived pancreas-on-a-chip to model cystic fibrosis-related disorders. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):3124. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11178-w
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Andrew Bradbury, Andreas Plückthun. Reproducibility: Standardize antibodies used in research. Nature. 2015;518(7537):27-29. doi:10.1038/518027a
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