Artificial intelligence

Nicole Kleinstreuer, Thomas Hartung. Artificial intelligence (AI)-it’s the end of the tox as we know it (and I feel fine). Archives of Toxicology. 2024. doi:10.1007/s00204-023-03666-2
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Alexandra Maertens, Thomas Luechtefeld, Jean Knight, Thomas Hartung. Alternative methods go green! Green toxicology as a sustainable approach for assessing chemical safety and designing safer chemicals. ALTEX. 2024;41(1):3-19. doi:10.14573/altex.2312291
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Thomas Hartung. ToxAIcology - The evolving role of artificial intelligence in advancing toxicology and modernizing regulatory science. ALTEX. 2023;40(4):559-570. doi:10.14573/altex.2309191
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Rizwan Qureshi, Muhammad Irfan, Taimoor Muzaffar Gondal, et al. AI in drug discovery and its clinical relevance. Heliyon. 2023;9(7). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17575
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