animal experimentation

Michael Balls, Jarrod Bailey. Ethics and Controversies in Animal Subjects Research and Impact on Clinical Decision-Making. Anesthesiology Clinics. 2024. doi:10.1016/j.anclin.2024.03.003
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Inês Falcão-Pires. Alternatives to animal experimentation in cardiovascular research: human models of disease and biobanking. European Heart Journal. 2024;45(5):324-327. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehad709
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Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga, Pandora Pound. The role of systematic reviews in identifying the limitations of preclinical animal research, 2000-2022: part 1. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2022;115(5):186-192. doi:10.1177/01410768221093551
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Mike King, Hazem Zohny. Animal researchers shoulder a psychological burden that animal ethics committees ought to address. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2022;48(5):299-303. doi:10.1136/medethics-2020-106945
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Lorenzo Del Pace, Laura Viviani, Marco Straccia. Researchers and Their Experimental Models: A Pilot Survey in the Context of the European Union Health and Life Science Research. Animals. 2022;12(20):2778. doi:10.3390/ani12202778
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Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga, Pandora Pound. The role of systematic reviews in identifying the limitations of preclinical animal research, 2000-2022: part 2. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2022;115(6):231-235. doi:10.1177/01410768221100970
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Joint Research Centre (European Commission), J. Barroso, M. Halder, M. Whelan. EURL ECVAM Recommendation on Non-Animal-Derived Antibodies. Publications Office of the European Union; 2020.
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Jarrod Bailey, Shiranee Pereira. Advances in neuroscience imply that harmful experiments in dogs are unethical. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2018;44(1):47-52. doi:10.1136/medethics-2016-103630
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Jarrod Bailey, Shiranee Pereira. Advances in neuroscience imply that harmful experiments in dogs are unethical. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2018;44(1):47-52. doi:10.1136/medethics-2016-103630
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Jarrod Bailey. Does the stress inherent to laboratory life and experimentation on animals adversely affect research data?. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. 2017;45(6):299-301. doi:10.1177/026119291704500605
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