Thomas Hartung

Lucy Meigs, Lena Smirnova, Costanza Rovida, Marcel Leist, Thomas Hartung. Animal testing and its alternatives - the most important omics is economics. Alternatives to Animal Experimentation. 2018;35(3):275-305. doi:10.14573/altex.1807041
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David Pamies, Anna Bal-Price, Christophe Chesné, et al. Advanced Good Cell Culture Practice for human primary, stem cell-derived and organoid models as well as microphysiological systems. Alternatives to Animal Experimentation. 2018;35(3):353-378. doi:10.14573/altex.1710081
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Sandra Coecke, Michael Balls, Gerard Bowe, et al. Guidance on Good Cell Culture Practice - A report of the second ECVAM task force on Good Cell Culture Practice. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. 2005;33(3):261-287. doi:10.1177/026119290503300313
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