Nureddin Ashammakhi

Darwin R. Reyes, Mandy B. Esch, Lorna Ewart, et al. From animal testing to in vitro systems: advancing standardization in microphysiological systems. Lab on a Chip. 2024. doi:10.1039/D3LC00994G
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Sandro Satta, Fahimeh Shahabipour, Wei Gao, et al. Engineering viral genomics and nano-liposomes in microfluidic platforms for patient-specific analysis of SARS-CoV-2 variants. Theranostics. 2022;12(10):4779-4790. doi:10.7150/thno.72339
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Argus M. Sun, Tyler Hoffman, Bao Q. Luu, Nureddin Ashammakhi, Song Li. Application of lung microphysiological systems to COVID-19 modeling and drug discovery: a review. Bio-Design and Manufacturing. 2021;4(4):757-775. doi:10.1007/s42242-021-00136-5
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