Monica Piergiovanni

Sofia Batista Leite, Matthew Brooke, Annamaria Carusi, et al. Promoting Reusable and Open Methods and Protocols (PRO-MaP): Draft Recommendations to Improve Methodological Clarity in Life Sciences Publications.; 2024.
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Valerie Zuang, João Barroso, Elisabet Berggren, et al. Non-Animal Methods in Science and Regulation. Luxembourg: European Union; 2024.
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LEITE Sofia Batista, Mathew Brooke, Annamaria Carusi, et al. Promoting Reusable and Open Methods and Protocols (PRO-MaP). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union; 2024.
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Darwin R. Reyes, Mandy B. Esch, Lorna Ewart, et al. From animal testing to in vitro systems: advancing standardization in microphysiological systems. Lab on a Chip. 2024. doi:10.1039/D3LC00994G
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David Pamies, Jason Ekert, Marie-Gabrielle Zurich, et al. Recommendations on fit-for-purpose criteria to establish quality management for microphysiological systems and for monitoring their reproducibility. Stem Cell Reports. 2024;19(5):604-617. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2024.03.009
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Surat Parvatam, David Pamies, Francesca Pistollato, et al. Taking the leap toward human-specific nonanimal methodologies: The need for harmonizing global policies for microphysiological systems. Stem Cell Reports. 2024;19(1):37-40. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2023.11.008
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Monica Piergiovanni, Ozlem Cangar, Sofia B. Leite, et al. Putting Science into Standards workshop on standards for organ-on-chip. Stem Cell Reports. 2021;16(9):2076-2077. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2021.07.010
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