Liv Langfeldt

Liv Langfeldt, Ingvild Reymert, Silje Marie Svartefoss. Distrust inĀ grant peer reviewā€”reasons andĀ remedies. Science and Public Policy. 2023;51(1):28-41. doi:10.1093/scipol/scad051
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Liv Langfeldt. TheĀ Decision-Making Constraints and Processes of Grant Peer Review, and Their Effects on the Review Outcome. In: Eva Forsberg, Lars Geschwind, Sara Levander, Wieland Wermke, eds. Peer Review in an Era of Evaluation. London: Palgrave Macmillan Cham; 2022:297-326.
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Liv Langfeldt, Svein Kyvik. Researchers as evaluators: tasks, tensions and politics. Higher Education. 2011;62:199-212. doi:10.1007/s10734-010-9382-y
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Liv Langfeldt. The policy challenges of peer review: managing bias, conflict of interests and interdisciplinary assessments. Research Evaluation. 2006;15(1):31-41. doi:10.3152/147154406781776039
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Liv Langfeldt. Expert panels evaluating research: decision-making and sources of bias. Research Evaluation. 2004;13(1):51-62. doi:10.3152/147154404781776536
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Liv Langfeldt, Lina Ingeborgrud, Ingvild Reymert, Silje Marie Svartefoss, Siri Brorstad Borlaug. Evaluation of the Spark Pilot: Identifying Novel and Unconventional Research by Doubleblinded Peer Review. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education
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