%0 Journal Article %K Addiction %K Development of the nervous system %K Developmental neurogenesis %K Neural Stem Cells %K Neurological models %K Pluripotent Stem Cells %B Neuropsychopharmacology %D 2017 %G en %N 3 %P 774-784 %R 10.1038/npp.2016.156 %T CYP3A5 Mediates Effects of Cocaine on Human Neocorticogenesis: Studies using an In Vitro 3D Self-Organized hPSC Model with a Single Cortex-Like Unit %U https://www.nature.com/articles/npp2016156 %V 42 %8 2017-02 %! CYP3A5 Mediates Effects of Cocaine on Human Neocorticogenesis