01279nas a2200181 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260000900043100002800052700001700080700002000097245008700117856005100204300001200255490000800267520079700275022002501072 2022 d c20221 aPassley Hargrove-Grimes1 aLucie A. Low1 aDanilo A. Tagle00aMicrophysiological Systems: Stakeholder Challenges to Adoption in Drug Development uhttps://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/517422 a269-2810 v2113 aMicrophysiological systems (MPS) or tissue chips/organs-on-chips are novel in vitro models that emulate human physiology at the most basic functional level. In this review, we discuss various hurdles to widespread adoption of MPS technology focusing on issues from multiple stakeholder sectors, e.g., academic MPS developers, commercial suppliers of platforms, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and regulatory organizations. Broad adoption of MPS technology has thus far been limited by a gap in translation between platform developers, end-users, regulatory agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry. In this brief review, we offer a perspective on the existing barriers and how end-users may help surmount these obstacles to achieve broader adoption of MPS technology. a1422-6405, 1422-6421