02084nas a2200337 4500000000100000008004100001260001500042653003500057653002100092653003100113653002000144653001300164100001900177700002100196700002200217700001800239700002100257700002700278700001800305700001500323700001700338700002000355700001500375700001900390245016400409856007200573300001100645490000700656520106900663022001401732 2025 d c2025-02-0110aalternatives to animal testing10aDrug development10amicrophysiological systems10aorgan-on-a-chip10aorganoid1 aHiroshi Kimura1 aMasaki Nishikawa1 aNaokata Kutsuzawa1 aFumiya Tokito1 aTakuma Kobayashi1 aDhimas Agung Kurniawan1 aHiroki Shioda1 aWenxin Cao1 aKenta Shinha1 aHiroko Nakamura1 aKotaro Doi1 aYasuyuki Sakai00aAdvancements in Microphysiological systems: Exploring organoids and organ-on-a-chip technologies in drug development -focus on pharmacokinetics related organs- uhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1347436724000521 a1010460 v603 aThis study explored the evolving landscape of Microphysiological Systems (MPS), with a focus on organoids and organ-on-a-chip (OoC) technologies, which are promising alternatives to animal testing in drug discovery. MPS technology offers in vitro models with high physiological relevance, simulating organ function for pharmacokinetic studies. Organoids composed of 3D cell aggregates and OoCs mimicking in vivo environments based on microfluidic platforms represent the forefront of MPS. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of their application in studying the gut, liver, and kidney and their challenges in becoming reliable alternatives to in vivo models. Although MPS technology is not yet fully comparable to in vivo systems, its continued development, aided by in silico, automation, and AI approaches, is anticipated to bring about further advancements. Collaboration across multiple disciplines and ongoing regulatory discussions will be crucial in driving MPS toward practical and ethical applications in biomedical research and drug development. a1347-4367