02315nas a2200481 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002653000800043653001800051653002100069653001900090653002700109100001900136700001900155700002300174700002000197700001900217700002000236700003100256700001800287700002100305700001600326700001900342700002100361700001500382700002000397700001700417700001800434700002000452700001800472700001700490700002300507700003100530700001700561700002500578700002300603245009100626856006700717300001200784490000800796520101500804022001401819 d10aGBM10aGBM-on-a-chip10adisease modeling10aDrug screening10aTumor Microenvironment1 aSurjendu Maity1 aTamanna Bhuyan1 aChristopher Jewell1 aSatoru Kawakita1 aSaurabh Sharma1 aHuu Tuan Nguyen1 aAlireza Hassani Najafabadi1 aMenekse Ermis1 aNatashya Falcone1 aJunjie Chen1 aKalpana Mandal1 aDanial Khorsandi1 aCan Yilgor1 aAuveen Choroomi1 aEmily Torres1 aMarvin Mecwan1 aJohnson V. John1 aMohsen Akbari1 aZhaohui Wang1 aDiogo Moniz-Garcia1 aAlfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa1 aVadim Jucaud1 aMehmet Remzi Dokmeci1 aAli Khademhosseini00aRecent Developments in Glioblastoma-On-A-Chip for Advanced Drug Screening Applications uhttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/smll.202405511 a24055110 vn/a3 aGlioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive form of cancer, comprising ≈80% of malignant brain tumors. However, there are no effective treatments for GBM due to its heterogeneity and the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which restricts the delivery of therapeutics to the brain. Despite in vitro models contributing to the understanding of GBM, conventional 2D models oversimplify the complex tumor microenvironment. Organ-on-a-chip (OoC) models have emerged as promising platforms that recapitulate human tissue physiology, enabling disease modeling, drug screening, and personalized medicine. There is a sudden increase in GBM-on-a-chip models that can significantly advance the knowledge of GBM etiology and revolutionize drug development by reducing animal testing and enhancing translation to the clinic. In this review, an overview of GBM-on-a-chip models and their applications is reported for drug screening and discussed current challenges and potential future directions for GBM-on-a-chip models. a1613-6829