01440nas a2200181 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001500043100001900058700002300077700001300100245011400113856004800227300001000275490000700285520095200292022001401244 2003 d c2003-01-011 aJoakim Hagelin1 aHans-Erik Carlsson1 aJann Hau00aAn overview of surveys on how people view animal experimentation: some factors that may influence the outcome uhttps://doi.org/10.1177/0963662503012001247 a67-810 v123 aMany factors may influence the outcome of surveys on how people view the use of animals in research. Some aspects are related to the instrument used, whereas others are related to the characteristics of the respondents. Conducted in Western countries, the study is primarily a review of 56 surveys targeting scientists, students, and the public. Surveys were obtained from searching online databases and reference lists, or directly from authors whose surveys were not otherwise available. Factors related to the instrument listed include the questionnaire used and wording of questions. Factors related to the respondent include age, gender, upbringing, religion, knowledge, education, and practical experience. Results demonstrate that there was great discrepancy in acceptance/opposition estimations reported in different surveys. It is concluded that interpretation and comparison of results from different surveys should be made with caution. a0963-6625