01650nas a2200181 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001500043100001800058700001500076700001800091245008800109856007000197300001400267490000700281520116600288022001401454 2024 d c2024-02-271 aMona Mansouri1 aJohnny Lam1 aKyung E. Sung00aProgress in developing microphysiological systems for biological product assessment uhttps://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/lc/d3lc00876b a1293-13060 v243 aMicrophysiological systems (MPS), also known as miniaturized physiological environments, have been engineered to create and study functional tissue units capable of replicating organ-level responses in specific contexts. The MPS has the potential to provide insights about the safety, characterization, and effectiveness of medical products that are different and complementary to insights gained from traditional testing systems, which can help facilitate the transition of potential medical products from preclinical phases to clinical trials, and eventually to market. While many MPS are versatile and can be used in various applications, most of the current applications have primarily focused on drug discovery and testing. Yet, there is a limited amount of research available that demonstrates the use of MPS in assessing biological products such as cellular and gene therapies. This review paper aims to address this gap by discussing recent technical advancements in MPS and their potential for assessing biological products. We further discuss the challenges and considerations involved in successful translation of MPS into mainstream product testing. a1473-0189