00964nas a2200169 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001500043100001500058700001700073245005900090856004500149300001200194490000700206520056700213022001400780 2009 d c2009-06-181 aTrish Reay1 aC.R. Hinings00aManaging the Rivalry of Competing Institutional Logics uhttps://doi.org/10.1177/0170840609104803 a629-6520 v303 aWe investigated an organizational field where competing institutional logics existed for a lengthy period of time. We identified four mechanisms for managing the rivalry of competing logics that facilitated and strengthened the separate identities of key actors, thus providing a way for competing logics to co-exist and separately guide the behaviour of different actors. We contribute to the institutional literature by showing that competing logics can co-exist and rivalry between logics can be managed through the development of collaborative relationships. a0170-8406