01390nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260001500042100002100057245005500078856004000133300001200173490000700185520103800192022001401230 2019 d c2019-12-311 aAngela N Hvitved00aEngaging Ethicists in Animal Research Policymaking uhttps://doi.org/10.1093/ilar/ilz023 a318-3230 v603 aThe significance of ethical considerations for animal research policy has long been acknowledged, but the role of philosophical ethics in the policymaking process has been less clear. By comparing the ethical framework of animal research policy with that for human subjects research, this article considers how the legacies of these two policy areas influence current policy and suggests that ethicists and ethical scholarship have been underutilized in developing animal research policy. An important aspect of policymaking is gathering and responding to input provided by various stakeholders. Given their expertise in a highly relevant area, ethicists should be considered key stakeholders in animal research policy deliberations. This article explores the role of ethicists and ethical scholarship in influencing animal research policy and suggests that a more robust engagement with the professional ethics community throughout the deliberative process is vital for policymakers to adequately account for ethical considerations. a1084-2020