00856nas a2200229 4500000000100000000000100001008003900002260001500041100001700056700001400073700001800087700001300105700001400118700001700132700001700149700001400166245007000180856004600250490000700296520030900303022001400612 6 d c06/18/20201 aZandvakili A1 aBarredo J1 aSwearingen Hr1 aAiken Em1 aBerlow Ya1 aGreenberg Bd1 aCarpenter Ll1 aPhilip Ns00aMapping PTSD symptoms to brain networks: a machine learning study uhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32555146/0 v103 aPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent and debilitating condition with complex and variable presentation. While PTSD symptom domains (intrusion, avoidance, cognition/mood, and arousal/reactivity) correlate highly, the relative importance of these symptom subsets often differs across pat … a2158-3188