@article{926, keywords = {Cell biology, Drug Discovery}, author = {Lorna Ewart and Athanasia Apostolou and Skyler A. Briggs and Christopher V. Carman and Jake T. Chaff and Anthony R. Heng and Sushma Jadalannagari and Jeshina Janardhanan and Kyung-Jin Jang and Sannidhi R. Joshipura and Mahika M. Kadam and Marianne Kanellias and Ville J. Kujala and Gauri Kulkarni and Christopher Y. Le and Carolina Lucchesi and Dimitris V. Manatakis and Kairav K. Maniar and Meaghan E. Quinn and Joseph S. Ravan and Ann Catherine Rizos and John F. K. Sauld and Josiah D. Sliz and William Tien-Street and Dennis Ramos Trinidad and James Velez and Max Wendell and Onyi Irrechukwu and Prathap Kumar Mahalingaiah and Donald E. Ingber and Jack W. Scannell and Daniel Levner}, title = {Performance assessment and economic analysis of a human Liver-Chip for predictive toxicology}, abstract = {Conventional preclinical models often miss drug toxicities, meaning the harm these drugs pose to humans is only realized in clinical trials or when they make it to market. This has caused the pharmaceutical industry to waste considerable time and resources developing drugs destined to fail. Organ-on-a-Chip technology has the potential improve success in drug development pipelines, as it can recapitulate organ-level pathophysiology and clinical responses; however, systematic and quantitative evaluations of Organ-Chips’ predictive value have not yet been reported.}, year = {2022}, journal = {Communications Medicine}, volume = {2}, pages = {154}, month = {2022-12-06}, issn = {2730-664X}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-022-00209-1}, doi = {10.1038/s43856-022-00209-1}, language = {en}, }