@article{4281, keywords = {cancer-on-chip, extracellular matrix, Immune System, Tumor Microenvironment, vasculature}, author = {Mohammad Jouybar and Charlotte M. de Winde and Katarina Wolf and Peter Friedl and Reina E. Mebius and Jaap M. J. den Toonder}, title = {Cancer-on-chip models for metastasis: importance of the tumor microenvironment}, year = {2024}, journal = {Trends in Biotechnology}, volume = {42}, pages = {431-448}, month = {2024-04-01}, issn = {0167-7799, 1879-3096}, url = {https://www.cell.com/trends/biotechnology/abstract/S0167-7799(23)00292-5}, doi = {10.1016/j.tibtech.2023.10.001}, language = {English}, }