@article{3496, keywords = {Communicable Diseases, Humans, infection, Liver, Lung, Microfluidic device, microphysiological systems, organ-on-a-chip, virus, bacteria}, author = {Fuki Yokoi and Sayaka Deguchi and Kazuo Takayama}, title = {Organ-on-a-chip models for elucidating the cellular biology of infectious diseases}, abstract = {Infectious diseases are caused by the invasion of pathogens into a host. To explore the mechanisms of pathogen infections and cellular responses, human models that can accurately recapitulate human pathophysiology are needed. Organ-on-a-chip is a type of advanced in vitro model system that cultures cells in microfluidic devices to replicate physiologically relevant microenvironments such as 3D structures, shear stress, and mechanical stimulation. Recently, organ-on-a-chips have been widely adopted to examine the pathophysiology of infectious diseases in detail. Here, we will summarize recent advances in infectious disease research of visceral organs such as the lung, intestine, liver, and kidneys, using organ-on-a-chips.}, year = {2023}, journal = {Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Cell Research}, volume = {1870}, pages = {119504}, month = {2023-08}, issn = {1879-2596}, doi = {10.1016/j.bbamcr.2023.119504}, language = {eng}, }