@article{3071, keywords = {peer review, Publishing, Research management}, author = {Flaminio Squazzoni and Petra Ahrweiler and Tiago Barros and Federico Bianchi and Aliaksandr Birukou and Harry J. J. Blom and Giangiacomo Bravo and Stephen Cowley and Virginia Dignum and Pierpaolo Dondio and Francisco Grimaldo and Lynsey Haire and Jason Hoyt and Phil Hurst and Rachael Lammey and Catriona MacCallum and Ana Marušić and Bahar Mehmani and Hollydawn Murray and Duncan Nicholas and Giorgio Pedrazzi and Iratxe Puebla and Peter Rodgers and Tony Ross-Hellauer and Marco Seeber and Kalpana Shankar and Joris Van Rossum and Michael Willis}, title = {Unlock ways to share data on peer review}, abstract = {Journals, funders and scholars must work together to create an infrastructure to study peer review.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {578}, pages = {512-514}, month = {2020-02}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00500-y}, doi = {10.1038/d41586-020-00500-y}, language = {en}, }