@article{1766, keywords = {ACE2, ARDS, SARS-CoV-2, cytokine storm, interferons, organoids, pneumocytes, protease, respiratory cells, surfactants}, author = {Hiroaki Katsura and Vishwaraj Sontake and Aleksandra Tata and Yoshihiko Kobayashi and Caitlin E. Edwards and Brook E. Heaton and Arvind Konkimalla and Takanori Asakura and Yu Mikami and Ethan J. Fritch and Patty J. Lee and Nicholas S. Heaton and Richard C. Boucher and Scott H. Randell and Ralph S. Baric and Purushothama Rao Tata}, title = {Human Lung Stem Cell-Based Alveolospheres Provide Insights into SARS-CoV-2-Mediated Interferon Responses and Pneumocyte Dysfunction}, year = {2020}, journal = {Cell Stem Cell}, volume = {27}, pages = {890-904.e8}, month = {2020-12-03}, issn = {1934-5909, 1875-9777}, url = {https://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/abstract/S1934-5909(20)30499-9}, doi = {10.1016/j.stem.2020.10.005}, language = {English}, }