@article{1496, keywords = {Colonic Neoplasms, Humans, Immunotherapy, organoids, Precision Medicine, adoptive cell therapy, bispecific antibody, colorectal cancer, droplet microfluidics, immune-oncology, lung cancer, micro-organosphere, Precision Medicine, precision oncology, tumorsphere}, author = {Shengli Ding and Carolyn Hsu and Zhaohui Wang and Naveen R. Natesh and Rosemary Millen and Marcos Negrete and Nicholas Giroux and Grecia O. Rivera and Anders Dohlman and Shree Bose and Tomer Rotstein and Kassandra Spiller and Athena Yeung and Zhiguo Sun and Chongming Jiang and Rui Xi and Benjamin Wilkin and Peggy M. Randon and Ian Williamson and Daniel A. Nelson and Daniel Delubac and Sehwa Oh and Gabrielle Rupprecht and James Isaacs and Jingquan Jia and Chao Chen and John Paul Shen and Scott Kopetz and Shannon McCall and Amber Smith and Nikolche Gjorevski and Antje-Christine Walz and Scott Antonia and Estelle Marrer-Berger and Hans Clevers and David Hsu and Xiling Shen}, title = {Patient-derived micro-organospheres enable clinical precision oncology}, abstract = {Patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) and patient-derived organoids (PDOs) have been shown to model clinical response to cancer therapy. However, it remains challenging to use these models to guide timely clinical decisions for cancer patients. Here, we used droplet emulsion microfluidics with temperature control and dead-volume minimization to rapidly generate thousands of micro-organospheres (MOSs) from low-volume patient tissues, which serve as an ideal patient-derived model for clinical precision oncology. A clinical study of recently diagnosed metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) patients using an MOS-based precision oncology pipeline reliably assessed tumor drug response within 14 days, a timeline suitable for guiding treatment decisions in the clinic. Furthermore, MOSs capture original stromal cells and allow T cell penetration, providing a clinical assay for testing immuno-oncology (IO) therapies such as PD-1 blockade, bispecific antibodies, and T cell therapies on patient tumors.}, year = {2022}, journal = {Cell Stem Cell}, volume = {29}, pages = {905-917.e6}, month = {2022-06-02}, issn = {1875-9777}, doi = {10.1016/j.stem.2022.04.006}, language = {eng}, }