@article{1261, keywords = {Humans, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Intestines, Organogenesis, organoids, Stem cells}, author = {Sunghee Estelle Park and Shawn Kang and Jungwook Paek and Andrei Georgescu and Jeehan Chang and Alex Yoon Yi and Benjamin J. Wilkins and Tatiana A. Karakasheva and Kathryn E. Hamilton and Dan Dongeun Huh}, title = {Geometric engineering of organoid culture for enhanced organogenesis in a dish}, abstract = {Here, we introduce a facile, scalable engineering approach to enable long-term development and maturation of organoids. We have redesigned the configuration of conventional organoid culture to develop a platform that converts single injections of stem cell suspensions to radial arrays of organoids that can be maintained for extended periods without the need for passaging. Using this system, we demonstrate accelerated production of intestinal organoids with significantly enhanced structural and functional maturity, and their continuous development for over 4 weeks. Furthermore, we present a patient-derived organoid model of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and its interrogation using single-cell RNA sequencing to demonstrate its ability to reproduce key pathological features of IBD. Finally, we describe the extension of our approach to engineer vascularized, perfusable human enteroids, which can be used to model innate immune responses in IBD. This work provides an immediately deployable platform technology toward engineering more realistic organ-like structures in a dish.}, year = {2022}, journal = {Nature Methods}, volume = {19}, pages = {1449-1460}, month = {2022-11}, issn = {1548-7105}, doi = {10.1038/s41592-022-01643-8}, language = {eng}, }