Experimental Resources

Because animal methods bias can result in publication delays or even manuscript rejection, authors who use nonanimal modeling systems should take preventive steps to avoid these negative outcomes. The first step to counter animal methods bias is to anticipate its potential to occur. Researchers should consider performing additional nonanimal experiments to corroborate findings. These measures can proactively counter downstream reviewer bias.

This database of experimental resources may be useful for researchers when designing studies and preparing manuscripts to help avert animal methods bias during peer review. It includes biorepositories, datasets, databases, platforms, and guides from academic, government, and commercial sources that are either freely available or accessible through application, purchase, or both. The database is non-exhaustive, and researchers are encouraged to contact us with any additions or amendments.

Resource Type
Access requirements
Title Sort descending Access requirements Type(s) Country
Episkin Purchase Material France
Epithelix Purchase Material Switzerland
European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC) Purchase Biorepository Germany
Fluigent Purchase Material France
Geneva Antibody Facility Purchase Database, Material Switzerland
Genoskin Purchase Material, Platform France
Hemogenix Purchase Platform United States
HemoShear Purchase Platform United States
Hesperos Inc. Purchase Platform United States
HookeBio Purchase Material Ireland
Humabiologics, Inc Purchase Biorepository United States
iBiochips Purchase Material, Platform United States
Iktos Purchase Platform United Kingdom, United States, France
iLoF Application Platform United Kingdom, Portugal
ImmuOne Purchase Platform United Kingdom
In Silico / In Vitro Testing Resources None Guide Germany
Insphero Purchase Material United States, Canada, Switzerland
Intravacc Purchase Platform Netherlands
Keratify Purchase Platform United Kingdom
Kirkstall Purchase Material United Kingdom
Kiyatec Purchase Platform United States
Labskin Platform United Kingdom
Lena Biosciences Purchase Material United States
Lexi-Comp Online Application Database Canada
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology None Platform United Kingdom